No matter the type of job you have in Pennsylvania, a back injury can greatly inhibit your ability to perform your responsibilities with ease, efficiency and success. Not to mention, the lack of comfort you will have if you are performing strenuous physical movements when your back is not completely healthy, can leave you experiencing ongoing pain and put you at risk of further injury.
If you received a back injury while you were at work, you may be in the process of filing a claim with your employer’s workers’ compensation program. If approved, you should receive assistance to help you return to work as quickly as possible, but in a manner that will not compromise your healing and recovery. As such, you may require modifications to your work station or the duties to which you were previously assigned in order to allow you to participate in the workplace without causing further injury or strain to your back. These modifications will most likely be temporary as you complete therapy designed to help you regain your full function.
According to The Spine Institute, as you recover and attend subsequent visits with your medical provider and any occupational or physical therapists, you should keep your management team informed. When they are aware of the progress you are making, they may be able to better provide for your needs, as well as prepare to make any necessary accommodations as you get closer to being able to resume your previous work responsibilities. If you ever feel that your job is creating more pain or is counterproductive to your healing, you should tell your employer right away.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.