
Call For A Free Consultation

Fighting For Your Right To Receive Fair Workers’ Compensation Benefits

We help injured Pennsylvania workers focus on their recovery.

Our knowledgeable attorneys can assist you from start to finish.

Our Mission Is Helping Injured Pennsylvania Workers Recover


Filing Workers’ Comp Claims

We ensure that paperwork is done correctly so benefits begin as soon as possible.

Fighting Unjust Claim Denials

If a claim is denied by your employer, we provide evidence to the state supporting you.

Peace Of Mind

We help maximize the benefits you deserve so you can focus on your health.

Workers’ Compensation Is A Lifeline When Injuries Occur

You work hard. But unfortunately, workplace injuries happen frequently. The state requires Pennsylvania employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance for those suffering work-related injuries. Workers’ comp covers:

  • Medical expenses and lost wages
  • Payments for lost eyesight, hearing or other abilities
  • Benefits for scarring or disfigurement
  • Death benefits and funeral expenses

Workplace injuries can be devastating, causing profound financial, physical and emotional challenges. The caring and experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Douglas, Joseph & Olson Attorneys At Law can help you file a claim or fight if your claim is denied to ensure you get the benefits you deserve.

Or fill out the form and we’ll schedule your free in-office or online initial consultation.