When workers are injured on the job, a thorough investigation is often required to uncover the reason the incident occurred and to identify ways in which preventative measures may be able to circumvent future accidents. Many businesses in Pennsylvania prioritize protocols that are designed to protect their employees and encourage responsible behavior in the workplace. When an accident does happen, employers may have the option of returning to work depending on the severity of their injury and the circumstances under which it occurred.
According to the Office of Disability Employment Policy, many companies have employed the use of a return-to-work plan which is characterized by a set of goals and processes the injured employee will follow in order to successfully be able to return to work. These programs have been able to reduce the amount of money employers spend on workers’ compensation while encouraging and motivating the injured employee to focus on recovery and healing.
The Workers’ Compensation Board reminds injured employees that the value of returning to work may enable them to expedite their recovery process as they remain active. The longer they stay away from the workplace, they may also lose out on the ability to earn bonuses and benefits that may not be eligible unless the employee is actually working. While employees are allowed a window of time to file a claim, it is highly recommended that they file one immediately upon learning of their injury. As soon as an injured employee plans to return to work, they should notify their employer to verify that all requirements have been met in order to resume all job responsibilities.