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Inconsistencies leave man facing charges of workers’ comp fraud

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2019 | Workers' Compensation |

When people file for workers’ compensation benefits after receiving an injury at work, they have to wait until their story is investigated before their claim is approved and benefits begin. During the time people are receiving benefits in Pennsylvania, they may be required to abide by certain requirements in order to remain eligible to receive benefits. Actions that are in violation of the agreement they have made with their employer could leave them facing legal consequences. 

For one man in Los Angeles, California, this is exactly what happened when it was discovered that he was working out during a time when he was receiving workers’ comp benefits. The incident began when the man who was an officer for the Los Angeles Police Department, was injured on the job and had applied for workers’ compensation. After his claim was filed and approved and he had begun receiving benefits, the officer was put on probation and required to complete 300 hours of community service after he was exercising and doing workouts that were inconsistent with the injuries he claimed on his report. 

Additionally, in an agreement that was negotiated with the DA’s office, the man is required to pay nearly 13,000 in restitution for receiving benefits that were not rightfully his. The man’s probation period will last for three years. 

If people have been injured at work and are seeking workers’ compensation benefits, they may want to work with an attorney. Legal professionals can provide helpful insight into making sure people understand their responsibilities when they are receiving benefits. 

Source: ktla.com, “LAPD Officer Gets Probation, Community Service After Pleading No Contest in Workers’ Comp Fraud Case,” Jul. 3, 2019