When you go to work, you are likely not expecting to experience a situation in which you will find yourself injured. However, work accidents happen, and you could suffer injuries that may be painful, debilitating and expensive. Thankfully, your Pennsylvania employer may have workers’ compensation insurance that will cover some of your accident-related losses. You have the right to know about all of the support that is available to you.
One of the most important benefits available to injured workers through workers’ comp is rehabilitation benefits. This is support that can help you get back to work in some capacity after an accident. You have a right to a full and fair recovery, which means that you can fight for these benefits and seek the help you deserve.
What are rehabilitation benefits?
The injuries you suffered in your work accident may have left you in severe pain and unable to work in the same capacity as you did before the accident. Perhaps you suffered from injuries that impact your ability to be on your feet, do certain tasks or perform job duties in the same manner. Rehabilitation benefits can help you get back to work or find new employment by providing support in the following ways:
- Resume preparation and interview skills assistance
- Education and tuition
- Assistance getting reasonable accommodations
- Job search assistance
- Wage assessment evaluation
- Ergonomic assessment
- Medical case management
These are only a few of the ways that you could get back to work. Whether you need to find a new job, take a different role with your employer or seek modifications that will allow you to work, rehabilitation benefits can help. A thorough evaluation of your situation, your needs and other factors can help you determine exactly which of these benefits will be most useful for you.
Seeking support at every step
The workers’ compensation claims process is not always easy. It can be difficult to deal with the insurance company, and they may not have your best interests in mind. You will benefit from seeking professional assistance as you fight to maximize the benefits available to you. If you believe that you have a rightful claim to rehabilitation benefits, you do not have to fight for them alone.